Pure Majek |
Catamaran Building and Sailing - 11.6m glass on ply. Wondering what its like? There is plenty of information. Visit | Window |
Canoebuilding 2000-2002 |
Description and pictures of all aspects of amateurs building a strip-plank canoe in Norway Visit | Window |
Seacork, The Natural Choice |
Presentation of Seacork, the ecologically sound, safe and comfortable choice for decking on any boat Visit | Window |
'Jean Dale' Sink Netter Restoration Project |
The "Jean Dale", The Last Core Sound Sink Netter Is Rescued And Restored With Assistance From The Smithsonian, WoodenBoat Magazine And Maritime Artist Robert Dance Visit | Window |
sailing related sites baner exchange |
sailing related sites baner exchange ratio 10:7 Visit | Window |
Building a PIRAT dinghy of plywood / epoxy |
Building FLAME, a 5m PIRAT class dinghy over formers using plywood and epoxy over laminated keel and stringers, lots of pictures and how-to's, ENGLISH / GERMAN Visit | Window |
Brazil Boats - Catamaran Builders in Brazil |
Boatyard based in Recife, specializing in power and sail catamarans. Visit | Window |
Fiberglass Materials |
Distributor of fiberglass materials, resins, gel coats, mold releases, catalysts, sand papers, compounds, tools Visit | Window |
The Virtual Boatyard |
Boat advice for the nautically addicted! Visit | Window |
Multihull Zone |
Site for multihull enthusiasts featuring the boatbuild of a Roger Simpson 9 metre sailing catamaran, and The Multihull Zone CD Rom Visit | Window |
Rabon River Runners |
Rabon River Runners is a premier builder of wood hunting and fishing boats. All boats are hand crafted. Visit | Window |
Aegean Yacht |
AEGEAN YACHT has been designing, building and selling turn key yachts in Turkey since 1976. Visit | Window |
Boatkits.de |
Boatkits.de – Bausätze für Boote – Bauen Sie Ihr eigenes Boot - CNC gefräste Bausätze zum Eigenbau. Visit | Window |
Timeless Boat Works |
Builder of small traditional wooden boats of timeless design Visit | Window |
Boatmodo |
Visual collection of boat items, from new products to old art. Visit | Window |
Leather Products for the Mairine Environment Visit | Window |
Craft a Craft |
Boat design, home building, and cruising in a nutshell Visit | Window |
Yashka - A 60ft Wooden Sailship |
Yashka is a an oceangoing boat to be rigged up to resemble the 18th century Mediterranean pirate ship Bombarda. 60ft long and 20ft wide, she is built entirely of wood with copper and brass fastenings. Visit | Window |
Y.A.T. - Yet Another Trinado |
A amateur design/building project of a 6,4m trimaran based on a tornado sail rig Visit | Window |
Koopmans 28 Daysailer |
Showing the Koopmans 28 Daysailer, to be sold as a semi custom yacht. Visit | Window |
Devlin Boat |
Devlin Boat designs and builds wooden boats utilizing the stitch-and-glue method of construction. We offer plans, books and videos for the home boat builder. Visit | Window |
FijiBoats |
Aluminium boat design and building company situated in the Fiji Islands. General welding and fabrication. Visit | Window |
Shipmate Boating Accessories |
Marine Accessories on line store where you can find great quality marine fittings and accessories from snap extensions,Bimini fittings,dock line holder,custom grill covers,duffel bags,for your boat Visit | Window |
Building my PAthfinder
Pocket Cruiser Guide |
This site is intended to be a guide to those who are seeking to buy, build, or sail a pocket cruising sailboat. Visit | Window |
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