the Boatbuilding Ring

nathan greeley boat builder
  i build and repair wooden boats of all descriptions  Visit | Window

  R&D about : boat building, boating, sailing, kiting, sculling...  Visit | Window

NestingLite Dinghies
  New owner and builder of the NN10 nesting dinghy formerly Niccolls Lite. Row sail or power, the ideal yacht tender.  Visit | Window

New Boatbuilders Home Page
  A site for boatbuilders, prospective boatbuilders and amateur boatbuilders to find the regulations and standards that apply to recreational boats. A source for information on design and building of boats.  Visit | Window

Nexus Marine Corporation custom boatbuilding
  designing and custom building fine low maintenance WEST SYSTEM boats, fishing boats, powerboats, yachts, family cruisers, inboards, outboards, I/Os.  Visit | Window

Boats For Sale
Sailboat : Powerboat

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