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prospector sailing canoe build |
build project of a 15'6 Selway Fisher Prospector Stitch and Tape Canoe Visit | Window |
History of shipbuilding - Links |
History of shipbuilding, shipbuilders and ships.Extensive link list. Visit | Window |
Serenity Shipyard |
We build from 50 to 80 feet. Currently building a daycharter cat 71 feet. our staff is highly trained. A perfect location for building your boat Visit | Window |
Bertram31.Com |
Bertram31.com has been born in an effort to bring about a central meeting point on the web devoted almost exclusively to this wonderful little boat. Visit | Window |
Free s&g kayak plans |
This site is still in development. However, you can download plans for single "NoName" and tandem "Double Trouble". As soon as new plans or areas of this site are available, they will be activated. So, check up periodicaly. Visit | Window |
Robert's Florida Boatyard |
Bolger Boats! My progress building a Windsprint and other cool stuff. Visit | Window |
UK Epoxy Resins |
UK suppliers of marine epoxy resin for the boat builder Visit | Window |
amateurboatbuilding.com |
A site for all amateur boat builders, whatever boat, wherever in the world they may be Visit | Window |
Candu EZ MiniTugboat Project |
The building of a Berkeley Candu E-Z Mini Tug Boat Visit | Window |
Albatross' Adventure |
I'm building a McNaughton "Penny", it's a 26' heavy displacement junk. Visit | Window |
A Boatbuilding Journal |
Watch me build "Dipper" a 16ft working boat designed by Sam Devlin. Visit | Window |
Miller Marine Systems |
Located at the top of the Miami River, we work in most of the yards in the Miami and Fort Lauderdale area. Our shop is equipped for complex repairs in wood and metal. We also build and repair small rowing and sailing skiffs. Please browse through our website and do not hesitate to call or send us an email with any questions you may have. Visit | Window |
Jacques Chevallard yacht designer |
stock plans and custom design for sail & power catalogue of stock plans and services Visit | Window |
Platypus Boats |
We build kits and complete boats of the classic San Francisco Pelicans, Tridarka Raider and more. Visit | Window |
LeisureCat Power Catamarans Australia |
Builders of the exciting range of LeisureCat and AussieCat customised power catamarans for fishing, diving, charter, police and rescue groups. Visit | Window |
Construyendo un Bote |
Historia de construcción casera de un bote o dinghy de 2.3mt Visit | Window |
Wiggers Custom Yachts Ltd. |
Wiggers Custom Yatchs Ltd., Port Darlington, Ontario, Canada Visit | Window |
Haven Builders Web Site |
For amateur builders of Joel White's Haven 12 1/2 sailboat Visit | Window |
Propeller design software |
Speed prediction and propeller selection for high performance outboard and I/O hulls. Complete database of all major outboard specs; calculates effects of propeller "cupping", "slip"; easy "dial-in" RPM settings; engine gear ratios are built in by selecting motor from database Visit | Window |
Marine Movers Boat Transport |
We transport boats of all sizes anywhere. We are licensed and insured. Call toll free 1-866-428-5262 for quote. Visit | Window |
Adam's Nautical Site |
A Gulfcoast towboat pilot builds small boats with info on towboats. Visit | Window |
Marigraph Design & Solutions |
MARIGRAPH offers solutions for visualization of ship design and engineering in the maritime sector. Our main focus is on graphical presentation of ships using 3D-computer models. We create presentations of any scale in any media based on your individual needs. Visit | Window |
Synergy Boatworks |
Synergy Boatworks specializes in designing and building unique canoes and kayaks. Visit | Window |
Sailfish Yacht Analyzer |
Sailing Yacht performance analysis software. Comparison of a specific desing against statistics, creating VPP Polars Visit | Window |
History & Design of Propellers |
The "History & Design of Propellers" e-book presents a detailed accounting of how the first "screw" applications were invented, and how they led to early ship propulsion. Outlining "How a Propeller Works", parts and functions of a properly designed propeller, including material selection and "advanced propping" techniques is outlined. This is a "must have" e-book for serious boaters, designers and enthusiasts that have "a need to know". Visit | Window |
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