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Bakri Cono Boat Bulding and Chandlery |
Bakri Cono is based in Thailand, Indonesia and Dubai with 4 factories able to produce from 15ft to 80ft Catamaran and Monohull. We also run a Chandlery shop with High quality stock. Visit | Window |
RiversWest |
A community boatshop in Portland,OR. Spearheading development of a Willamette Ferry system, based on the historic Crater Lake tour launches. Boat building classes and educational programs. Sponsors the Portland Wooden Boat Show. RiversWest is a non-profit membership organization in Portland, Oregon, for people who love handcrafted boats. The mission of RiversWest, Inc. is to encourage the personal involvement in the building, recreational use and history of low-impact boats. Visit | Window |
Chine bLog |
Chine bLog is a collection of thoughts and opinions on the greatest of boats - the small, the tradition-inspired, the wooden, and the naturally powered - brought to you by lifelong boater and dabbling designer / builder Tim Shaw. Visit | Window |
The Quiet Harbor - Robert Dance |
In my opinion, the most beautiful lobsterboats have been built here by Will Frost, Alvin Beal, Harold Gower and Willis Beal.......to single out only a few in a tradition that has lasted since 1914. Visit | Window |
Building a 15 1/2 Foot Sailing Skiff |
Building and sailing Ken Swan's "Sunshine" A 15 1/2 foot skiff with a standing lug rig. Visit | Window |
Douglas Brooks Boatbuilding |
A site devoted to Japanese boatbuilding, and traditional boats and glued lapstrake construction Visit | Window |
Marine Associates |
Maufacturer of underwater marine hardware (shafts,struts, rudders, ports, shaftlogs etc. for boat builders of any size. Visit | Window |
The Great Sea |
Description and photos of a Bolger sharpie and the building of a bolger catamaran. Visit | Window |
Building a Foam Core Power Boat |
Here I am going to report on my adventures while building a state of the art power boat. I intend to make the site as instructive as possible. Visit | Window |
Ocean Limo |
Ocean Limo plans to revolutionize the power catamaran and luxury yacht markets with the introduction of this new line of power and wavepiercer catamarans. Ocean Limo is working with an award winning Craig Loomes Design Group to create a new category of power and wavepiercer catamarans. Visit | Window |
Cowichan Bay Maritime Centre |
Cowichan Wooden Boat Society is a non-profit organization whose mandate is the preservation of British Columbia's Maritime History. To this end we run a Maritime Museum and offer traditional wooden boat building courses in Cowichan Bay, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Membership is only $20.00Cdn/year and part of our museum exhibit is live -- members working on restorations in our very active workshop! 2005 is our 20th anniversary so we are having a series of monthly speakers and workshops. Check out or Upcoming Events page to see what's next! Visit | Window |
The Duno |
Historical photos and anecdotes of the building of a wooden 'Runabout' motor boat in 1912 in Holland. Visit | Window |
The Restoration of Glissando |
The story of our restoration of a derelict 1963 Pearson Triton Visit | Window |
The Shirley Ann |
A sidewheeler paddleboat under construction on the Ouachita river near Camden, Arkansas. Visit | Window |
Kyle's Boatbuilding Page |
A design and execution of construction of a 15 foot wood sailing dinghy Visit | Window |
wood-inlay |
The website is about marquetry,knives with inlaid handle,furniture and also the making of a mahogany speedboat (rascal) Visit | Window |
O'Brien Boats |
Fibreglass boat building craftsmen, dedicated to the gamefishihng industry. Visit | Window |
Secrets of Tunnel Boat Design |
The development of the tunnel and V bottoms are interestingly chronicled, with detailed explanations of hull design, function, potential, and characteristics. This book also details ten design steps for analysis of hull performance and stability showing how the calculations are accurately performed, as well as providing detailed information about their relation to hull performance. The ten steps range from layout design dimensions, calculating lift and drag, power calculations, and stability. Visit | Window |
Kris' Boatbuilding Adventures |
The building of an OSS and the dream of more.. or something equally cheeze ;-) Visit | Window |
Building a D5 Dinghy |
I created this page to share info about the D5 dinghy that I built in my garden. These pages include info about the construction process. Visit | Window |
H4 Marine |
Suppliers of new drive protection systems Visit | Window |
C.A.B.B.S. |
Founded in 1967 by a collection of individuals who shared a passion for building and sailing small boats. Visit | Window |
harryproa |
Harryproa is an innovative Rob Denney designed proa series combining space, speed and low cost with the ease of building and handling so you'll get the most boat for the least cost. Visit | Window |
New Boatbuilders Home Page |
A site for boatbuilders, prospective boatbuilders and amateur boatbuilders to find the regulations and standards that apply to recreational boats. A source for information on design and building of boats. Visit | Window |
Morozov Yachts - Custom Aluminium Yachts |
Custom aluminium cruising yachts and motorsailers for unlimited cruising Visit | Window |
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