the Boatbuilding Ring

J.B.'s Boatyard
  John Bell's Boatyard: Information about my boatbuilding projects including a Bolger Windsprint, and a Michalak SportDory.  Visit | Window

Jacques Chevallard yacht designer
  stock plans and custom design for sail & power catalogue of stock plans and services  Visit | Window

JEM Watercraft
  Canoe, kayak, and other boat plans for the amateur boat builder.  Visit | Window

  Welcome by JF Yachting - Experience our passion for wooden boats.We build fast, comfortable and custum made wooden sail boats for an affordable price. Welkom bij JF Yachting! We bouwen snelle, comfortabele en op maat geleverde zeiljachten voor een concurrerende prijs en optimale service. We willen enthousiaste en tevreden klanten.  Visit | Window

Jonques de Plaisance
  Modern Sea-going Junks designs by architect D. Le Forestier, 5.5m-25m. Excellent performers & ultra comfortable. Plans & construction guides for professionels and amateurs (strip-planking). Hull structure kits built on request.  Visit | Window

Jordan Boats
  Details of our services - Wooden Boat building, and CNC Routing of plywood planks, frames, and moulds at (we think) reasonable prices.  Visit | Window

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