the Boatbuilding Ring

  Founded in 1967 by a collection of individuals who shared a passion for building and sailing small boats.  Visit | Window

Candu EZ MiniTugboat Project
  The building of a Berkeley Candu E-Z Mini Tug Boat  Visit | Window

Canoebuilding 2000-2002
  Description and pictures of all aspects of amateurs building a strip-plank canoe in Norway  Visit | Window

Cap'n John's Boat Lettering
  Design your boat lettering online with our boat name preview. Lots of creative fonts, colors and effects to choose from. It's easy and fun.  Visit | Window

Cats Pyjamas
  Our 39' Prout Escale Catamaran came with many defects that we got to repair!  Visit | Window

Cayuga Wooden Boatworks
  Boatbuilding and repair to 65' and 55 tons.  Visit | Window

Chine bLog
  Chine bLog is a collection of thoughts and opinions on the greatest of boats - the small, the tradition-inspired, the wooden, and the naturally powered - brought to you by lifelong boater and dabbling designer / builder Tim Shaw.  Visit | Window

Classicly shaped mahony sportcruiser
  A weblog about my boatbuilding project. A 31 ft sportscruiser with a 50-ties mahogony looks and Italian styled. Typically US propulsion system: Berkely jet drive with an Olds 455 CI.  Visit | Window

Conalls Boat Build
  Conall building a 44' steel trawler in his barn  Visit | Window

Connemara Catamarans
  Building a 48' Derek Kelsall catamaran.  Visit | Window

Construction bateau pêche en bois
  Construction amateur d'un petit bateau de pêche promenade en bois - a small fishing boat buid in wood  Visit | Window

Construction de mon canot
  Ce site se veut un recueil d'images démontrant les principales étapes nécessaires à la construction d'un canot de bois.  Visit | Window

Construyendo un Bote
  Historia de construcción casera de un bote o dinghy de 2.3mt  Visit | Window

Cowichan Bay Maritime Centre
  Cowichan Wooden Boat Society is a non-profit organization whose mandate is the preservation of British Columbia's Maritime History. To this end we run a Maritime Museum and offer traditional wooden boat building courses in Cowichan Bay, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Membership is only $20.00Cdn/year and part of our museum exhibit is live -- members working on restorations in our very active workshop! 2005 is our 20th anniversary so we are having a series of monthly speakers and workshops. Check out or Upcoming Events page to see what's next!  Visit | Window

Craft a Craft
  Boat design, home building, and cruising in a nutshell  Visit | Window

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